Jenna Wasylkowski Career Spotlight
Jenna Wasylkowski is an Environmental Service Worker at both Fillmore and Midale Manor care facilities.
What are you responsible for as an Environmental Service Worker?
"My team’s responsibility is to keep everyone healthy. We are shown to stay in the moment while cleaning and it keeps myself, my co-workers, the residents, and our visitors safe. I am able to rely on easy-to-follow procedures and I’m always kept up to date on safe ways to bend and lift properly. We also take important training on life-saving techniques and how to best manage and protect our workplace as well as the people inside of it. Everyone has an important role. Mine is to sanitize, create a welcoming environment, and do it safely for myself and others around me."
How is your work-life balance as an Environmental Service Worker? Please compare your current experience with other jobs you have had in the past.
"In the past, I have been a people manager in a very high demanding financial position. I found the stress impacted my ability to manage any sort of down time. The strengths in my career with Saskatchewan Health Authority is that I have a start and end time. I have a team that supports each other’s needs and celebrates each other’s ideas and accomplishments both big and small. I find with Environmental Services I have the ability to be present in my home-life, I have the flexibility and freedom to enjoy my down time which means I can support my community through meaningful volunteering as well."
Have you always wanted to be an Environmental Service Worker?
"I’ve always wanted to help people! This career ensures that my time spent every day gives me the pride and opportunity to do just that. I know the importance of my job and I’m grateful to know that my team is always appreciating our role."
Do you have any advice for someone pursuing a career as an Environmental Service Worker? Are there specialty areas that are in more demand than others?
"My advice to anyone pursuing a career as an Environmental Service Worker would be to start applying! It’s a phenomenal opportunity with a great atmosphere. We have a diverse and welcoming team, great training, and we are well appreciated. You leave your day knowing you’ve done a great job and can be very proud of yourself."
What is the number one thing you love about being an Environmental Service Worker?
"There are too many to choose from I truly love my job. I am part of two amazing teams. We make time to engage with each other and we also make time to establish healthy relationships with our residents. We are a big part of their lives, and they are just as important to each of us too."