Hip and Knee Pathway
Saskatchewan has a care pathway for people with hip and knee osteoarthritis who may need joint replacement surgery. Patients are referred to a Multi-Disciplinary Clinic where they are assessed and care options are discussed. Patients choosing a surgical option learn what to expect before, during and after surgery. When surgery is not the preferred option, the clinics also help patients access non-surgical care in the community. Clinics are located in Regina, Prince Albert, and Moose Jaw.
Hip and Knee Pathway clinics
Multi-disciplinary clinics assess patients who may need a hip or knee replacement. The clinics:
- Offer a standard patient assessment process.
- Provide consultations with an experienced health-care team dedicated to improving patients’ quality of life and health.
- Confirm patients’ need for surgery and provide surgical consults and surgical bookings (if patient is a surgical candidate).
- Provide faster referral to specialists and surgeons.
- Provide patient education, educational sessions, and take-home information to prepare patients for surgery.
- Follow up with patients after surgery to speed recovery.
- Offer access to community partners, other health professionals, and ongoing follow-up and support.
Clinics provide earlier access to assessment, education, and preparation for surgery. This results in higher quality patient care and more streamlined, standardized services.
- Regina Hip and Knee Treatment and Research Centre
Regina Centre Crossing Building
Surgical Assessment Centre
102 - 1621 Albert Street
Regina, SK S4P 2S5
Phone: 306-766-0414, option 2
Fax: 306-766-7551 -
Moose Jaw Multi-Disciplinary Clinic
Therapies Department
Dr. F. H. Wigmore Regional Hospital
55 Diefenbaker Drive
Moose Jaw, SK S6J 0C2
Phone: 306-694-0201
Fax: 306-694-8710 - Prince Albert Multi-Disciplinary Clinic
Therapies Department, Victoria Hospital
1200 - 24th Street West
Prince Albert, SK S6V 5T4
Phone: 306-765-6126
Fax: 306-765-6284
Hip and knee information for patients
The following booklets and videos will help you prepare for, and recover from, total hip or knee replacement surgery: