Operational Approval
The Operational Approval process ensures that the impacted departments within Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) facilities can complete the research:
- in a safe manner;
- within their current workload; and
- with the ability to recover direct costs of research in an open and fair manner.
The process for obtaining Operational Approval (OA) to conduct research in the SHA is as follows:
- Submit application for research ethics approval to the appropriate Research Ethics Board (REB): SHA, University of Regina, or University of Saskatchewan. A Waiver of REB Review does not guarantee a waiver of a need for OA. If a research study is exempt from REB review, the researcher must contact the Research Department to determine if an application for OA is necessary.
- Submit application for OA. This assessment is completed using the Application for Operational Approval to Conduct Research in SHA.
- Submit the study-related contract(s) to the SHA Research Contract Specialist. Submit all study related contracts (if applicable) that have been finalized and executed. Conditional OA may be granted in special circumstances while the contract negotiation is in progress.
Submit the application for an SHA Research Account (if applicable) for processing.
Once the study is closed, please also submit a SHA Research Account Closure form.
Remote SCM Research Account Instructions
Remote access for SCM in Saskatoon:
Once you have been given a Saskatoon SCM Research Account, login to the account using your Saskatoon Research ITS Account credentials, and you can request remote access for research. The process is as follows:
Please fill out the form.
- Ensure to list Sandy Kassir (sandy.kassir2@saskhealthauthority.ca) as the Manager approving the request.
- In the box requesting "Provide additional information" enter the OA file number of the project for which you are requesting remote access. Please also indicate your research SCM username, as well as the location (i.e., Saskatoon)
E.g.: John Smith is requesting remote access to their Research SCM account (username: SCMSMITHJ) in Saskatoon for file number: OA-UofS-xxxx
If you have difficulties, please contact the eHS Service Desk by email servicedesk@ehealthsask.ca or by phone at 1-888-316-7446.