Children's Health - Immunizations
Saskatoon Child Health Clinics
About/who qualifies
The Saskatchewan Health Authority provides routine childhood immunizations free-of-charge at Child Health Clinics (CHCs) throughout Saskatchewan, starting at 2 months of age.
Receiving all recommended vaccines on time provides children with the best protection against dangerous vaccine-preventable diseases such as:
Child Health Clinics are also an opportunity for public health nurses to provide screening, support, and information to families to further promote healthy growth and development.
The Saskatchewan Immunization Schedule recommends routine immunization at 2, 4, 6, 12 and 18 months, as well as a booster at 4 - 6 years of age.
Even if a child has fallen behind, it is never too late. Call your local Public Health office to speak to a nurse about how to get back on track.
Children with certain chronic illnesses and other risk factors may be eligible for additional vaccines.
School immunizations
Public health nurses visit Saskatchewan schools to immunize students in grade 6 and grade 8. Information and consent packages are sent home to parents via the child's school.
Immunization records of students in grade 1 are also reviewed and parents are notified if preschool immunizations are not up-to-date.
Do not hesitate to contact your local public health office to speak to a nurse if you have any questions or concerns about school immunizations, or to make arrangements if your child has missed their preschool, grade 6 or grade 8 immunizations.