HealthLine 811 offers Mental Health, Addictions support and Maternal Wellness Program
Do you or someone you know have a mental health and addictions related concern? Are you at risk of or experiencing postpartum depression and/or anxiety or feelings of loss following a miscarriage, stillbirth or death of a newborn?
HealthLine 811’s mental health and addictions team is here to help you and available right at your fingertips anytime, any day.
HealthLine 811 is a free, confidential, 24-hour health, mental health and addictions advice, education and support telephone line available to the people of Saskatchewan. It is staffed by experienced and specially trained registered psychiatric nurses, registered social workers and registered nurses.
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has created a crisis within a crisis, adding new stressors to mental well-being. Isolation, health and financial uncertainty, feelings of hopelessness, grief and loss have resulted in increased anxiety, depression, addictions and more.
HealthLine 811 provides two streams of mental health and addictions services, inbound calls for anyone with a mental health and addictions related concern and outbound calls for women enrolled in the Maternal Wellness Program, which focuses attention on those who may be experiencing postpartum depression or anxiety, or those dealing with loss following a miscarriage, stillbirth or death of a newborn.
"Everyone that I talked to was awesome and amazing, cannot say enough good things about you people. It was awesome just talking to all of you, felt like I was talking to a friend," said one woman of the Maternal Wellness Program.
"I feel that it really helped me and that is why I am where I am today, I really enjoyed talking to (Maternal Wellness Program) clinicians as it was nice talking to someone outside of my household and family as unbiased interactions," said another client.
Referrals to the Maternal Wellness program are made through a public health nurse or maternity visiting program. Once enrolled, the HealthLine 811 mental health clinician will connect with clients over the telephone and provide assessments, information, support, coping strategies, goal setting and access to community resources for support. Clients are encouraged to call back HealthLine 811 at any time with questions about themselves, their baby and/or for additional support between their scheduled call times.
811’s registered healthcare professionals triage symptoms, provide care options, coping strategies and information, offer crisis support and contacts for community resources to help callers manage their present situation. Mental health clinicians will assist you in setting up a foundation for your mental well-being and encourage connection to services for ongoing mental health support.
HealthLine 811 services are offered in English, with translation available in over 100 languages. Deaf and hard of hearing residents can access HealthLine 811 by using the SaskTel Relay Operator service at 1-800-855-1155.
Anyone can call 8-1-1 at anytime. You are not alone. Help is a phone call away. Registered healthcare professionals are available 24/7 to assist with your mental health and addictions concerns.