Integrating health justice into physiotherapy practice in Canada
Opportunity details
Position type
Number of positions available
Dalhousie University
Role overview
We are a group of physiotherapy educators, practitioners, and researchers dedicated to integrating health justice into physiotherapy practice, education, and scholarship. This includes the upcoming update to the Competency Profile for Physiotherapists in Canada; a document that outlines the expectations of all Canadian physiotherapists. We invite you to join us and share your insights as part of this new collective. We are hoping to come together to create: 1. A set of health justice principles for physiotherapy practice, education, and scholarship, and 2. Concrete examples for how these principles could be incorporated into the upcoming competency profile update To do this, we have created an initial draft of a participatory structure that includes three committees. We want to emphasize that this is a preliminary stage of this initiative, and we fully expect the structure and processes to evolve with your input. Let us know if you're interested and we will give you more details about the committees!
Required knowledge, experience, skills
Experience interacting with healthcare professionals as a patient, caregiver, or community member, especially experience interacting with physiotherapistsTime commitment
Will start in April 2025 and likely run for two years. Time commitment is approximately 2 hours per month (one 1-hour meeting and 1-hour of prep per month).
What can you expect from the research team?
Very welcoming, understanding, and flexible environment. All of the researchers on our team have experience involving patient partners as members of the research team. We see patient partners and people with lived experience at the heart of this initiative.
Supports available to participate
We do not currently have funding for this project but we are working on getting funding so that we can compensate patient partners for their time. Patient partners will be given credit on any material that is published out of this initiative (e.g. journal articles, reports, etc.).
Submission of interest deadline
March 28, 2025
Contact name: Ellen McGarity-Shipley
Email address:
Phone number: 6138889208