Orthopedic model line patient gets first speedy day surgery
On July 3, 2023, Amanda Coleman arrived at Saskatoon City Hospital around 6:00 a.m. and by 1:30 p.m. her joint replacement surgery was complete and her recovery began. With the support of surgeon Dr. Ian Lutz, nursing, physiotherapy and occupational therapy, Amanda was home for supper.
“Physio showed me the exercises that I should be doing and explained some modifications to ensure I could do them properly until more strength came back,” said Coleman. “By 6:00 p.m., I was ready to be discharged home.”
The team has improved the evidence-based care pathway for Inpatient and outpatient hip and knee arthroplasty, supporting better outcomes and experiences for surgical patients, reducing lengths of stay and decreasing complication rates with fewer hospital readmissions.
“I had a nutritious home-cooked meal and was happy to sleep in my own bed that night,” said Coleman. “I felt like I had all the information I needed and knew what to expect for the next few days of recovery.”
While not all patients qualify to have their surgery and go home on the same day, the re-designed pathway help practitioners with best practice guidance for patient care.