AIMS – What’s Changing: Reporting
Note: These features will be in place once AIMS has been implemented.
The implementation of AIMS will change the way reports are accessed. For executive leadership, frontline managers and end-users from the various partners and employers, there will be a new process to retrieve operational HR, Finance and Supply Chain reports, among others. No longer will reports be posted to SharePoint sites, emailed, downloaded from MemberNet or the 3sHealth data download server.
AIMS will provide convenient, direct access to a customized dashboard of information, with over 600 custom reports tailored to meet specific business requirements. There is also the ability to drill down into finer detail, if required. For many leaders, the reports feature will be their primary interaction with the system.
The change in process is worth the gain in having real time reporting that is user friendly, and readily available.
Further information will be provided prior to the AIMS implementation on the steps required to access reports and dashboards.
Read this story on the AIMS website: