Alpha-Glycoprotein Subunit, Blood (Referred Out) - Saskatoon
Test Ordering Requirements
Preferred specimen collection
- Refer patient to a Laboratory Health Services Centre or a Hospital Test Centre able to process specimens within required time frame
A-Glycoprotein subunits
- Alpha Chain Glycoprotein subunits
- Glycoprotein subunits
- TSH/FSH/LH subunits
Specimen Information
Specimen types accepted
Specimen collection container
- Preferred collection container: Gold (gel) 5 mL
- Alternative collection container: Red (non-gel) 6 mL
Collection procedure
Specimen must be collected, processed, aliquotted and frozen within 45-60 minutes of collection.
Required volume
Optimal volume: 4.5 mL full collection tube
- Minimum volume: 1 mL serum
(Submitting the minimum volume makes it impossible to repeat the test or perform confirmatory/reflex testing. In some situations, a minimum volume may require a second collection.)
Transport and stability
Store frozen
- Ship to referral lab on dry ice
Rejection criteria
Specimens received where the collection protocols were not followed
- LSM-933 Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Acceptance and Rejection Criteria
Days/times performed
Availability |
Testing site |
Maximum laboratory time
13 day turn around time by testing laboratory
Last Updated: October 3, 2024