Enterprise Risk Management
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is a continuous, proactive, and systematic approach to identifying, assessing, managing, monitoring, and communicating risks that could pose danger, harm, or loss to the SHA. It takes a comprehensive view of risk, considering the organization’s objectives, risk appetite, and tolerance. ERM informs strategic planning and enhances decision-making.
Our ERM Specialist is here to support you with coaching, education, and facilitation in key areas such as risk assessment, risk reviews, and managing SHA's risk register. Additionally, you can visit the ERM SharePoint Site, a centralized platform that offers a wide range of tools, information, and resources tailored specifically to Enterprise Risk Management.
- New Projects or Initiatives: Before launching a new project, product, or initiative, consult ERM to assess potential risks and ensure proper risk mitigation strategies are in place.
- Strategic Planning: During the strategic planning process, involve ERM to identify potential risks that could affect long-term goals and to create a risk-aware strategy.
- Risk Assessments: If your department or team is conducting a risk assessment, ERM can provide expertise and tools to ensure a thorough and effective evaluation.
- Emerging Risks: When you become aware of new or emerging risks, whether internal or external, that could affect your organization, it's important to engage ERM to stay ahead of potential threats.